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Your Voice Counts- South Yorkshire Police Seeking Feedback on Stop and Search

We want to hear from you, the communities we serve, in the latest Your Voice Counts survey.

Thank you to everyone who completed our last Your Voice Counts survey in September. We had nearly 8,000 replies! Your feedback showed that while 46% of the respondents supported the approach we’ve taken during the COVID-19 lockdown, 35% of you thought that police should take tougher action.

In response to this, we have launched our dedicated enforcement team and we will share updates about enforcement action taken, particularly in cases where there has been a blatant breach of regulations. You can read more about the enforcement team here –

Your feedback has also helped the force identify areas with the lowest reported compliance with the current regulations, which is being used to directly influence how we target our activity and direct resources to help support these communities.

Our latest survey focuses on stop and search, to help us better understand public opinion and confidence in South Yorkshire Police’s use of stop and search powers. Your feedback will influence future guidance and training given to officers, as well as inform our discussions with communities.

It should only take around ten minutes to complete and all information you provide is confidential.
Click here or below to complete the survey:

Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you feel, we really appreciate you working with us to make South Yorkshire the best place it can be!

Message Sent By
Corporate Communications4 (Police, Corporate Communications, South Yorkshire)

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