Resignation of Sharon Lee from welfare officer


Sharon Lee the MCVC Welfare Officer has decided to resign form her position.

Sharon is a valued and popular member of the MCVC but has felt that the competing needs of the welfare role and her very demanding job have limited the attention she can devote to the role of veteran’s welfare. Sharon must also be mindful of reconciling the professional code of conduct required in her job and the burdens of MCVC welfare policy.

Lt Col McPherson, the chairman of the trustee board offered the thanks and gratitude of the board for Sharon’s contribution to the wellbeing of Rotherham veterans which has been commendable.

Mr Ron Moffatt the chairman of the executive board also offers his thanks and that of the veteran’s group for all of Sharon’s efforts. He recognised the difficulty of balancing a busy professional career with finding time to devote to an often-challenging role. Mr Moffatt is sure that we will still see Sharon at the drop in and breakfast club when she can find the time.

The whole MCVC management team will join the veterans in offering our thanks to Sharon and wish her well for the future.