MCVC Say Thank You For Donations Raised Through Sponsorship

MCVC President (Major Adrian Hunt) and MCVC Chairman (Mac McKenney) say a massive thank you to Paul Hoyland and Sharon Lee (two ardent supporters of the MCVC) for their generous donations raised through sponsorship.

Paul Hoyland raised £542.00 from three walks (The Dales Way; The West Highland Way and The Great Glen Way) a total of 397km.

Sharon Lee raised £625.00 from her first tandem skydive (15,000ft) at Langar Airfield (Nottingham).

Both have committed to future sponsored events for the MCVC, they just haven’t said how or what it will involve, so watch this space.

Thank you both, the money you raised will go a long way towards helping with the work carried out by the MCVC in support of ex-service personnel and their families.

