Christmas Party 7th December 2018 Raffle Prize Winners
Firstly a big thank you to both Cllr Ian Jones and Bill Carroll for helping with the Raffle Draw.

Here is the list of prizes and winners.

£100 cash.. E Jordan
4 Pantomime tickets.. Mickey MacKenney
Large canvas print.. Sharonj Lee MCVC
Food Hamper.. Maureen Morris (BGSM)
Drinks Hamper.. Caroline Jane Buckle MCVC
Forgotten Voices book.. A Hale (BGSM)
There but not There Statue.. Julie Grayshon MCVC
2 Picture Frames.. Ronald William Moffett MCVC
Framed Picture.. M Price from Dinnington
Tray of Chocolates.. Michael Goodyear MCVC
B&H Toiletries.. Matthew MacKenney
2 Bottles and box gift wrapped.. Pauline Licence
Nivea Mens Toiletries.. E Jordan
Bottle Wine.. Patricia Pinches MCVC
Mens Wallet and Aftershave.. Geoff Smales MCVC
Signed RUFC Football Mac McKenney MCVC
Watch and Eau de toilette.. Mac McKenney MCVC
£100 bottle of Saki.. Geoff Smales MCVC
Bottle of Port.. Michael Goodyear MCVC

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all who bought raffle tickets.
The final total raised through the sale of the tickets is £327.00 which will go to the MCVC