The Latest News From ASDIC 


Welcome to the September edition of Ping! Read on for updates from the ASDIC team, including how to join our brand-new Community Hub.

A Few Words From Tracy 


Last month, we launched the ASDIC Community Hub, and I’m thrilled to see so many of our members sign up in its debut weeks. We’ve developed this tool to create more opportunities to collaborate and share best practice, so I encourage everyone to join in, start conversations on our Forums, or contribute to our News and Resources.

Of course, September brought great change in the UK with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Throughout the official mourning period, the Armed Forces led the profoundly moving tributes paid to Her Majesty. While there’s been great sadness, seeing the many thousands taking part has also made us very proud to be part of this Armed Forces and Veteran community. 
Chief Executive Officer 

Join the ASDIC Community Hub 


Since launching in August, 53 members have signed up to the ASDIC Community Hub. Join now to start networking with likeminded members, contribute to forum discussions, and share the latest news and events from your Drop-In. As this online community grows, we hope the Hub will become an important tool that fosters collaboration and greater support for our Drop-Ins. 
Sign Up 

LGBT Veterans Independent Review 


Call for evidence: If you were affected by the pre-2000 ban on homosexuality in the Armed Forces, please submit your story to the LGBT Veterans Independent Review and make your voice heard. If you need support, you can find useful guides created by Fighting with Pride, which are available to download from Resources on the ASDIC Community Hub.
You can also contact Fighting With Pride at

Call for evidence closes on Tuesday 15 November. 
Learn More 

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II 


It is with deep sorrow that we received the news of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Throughout her remarkable 70-year reign, her support for the armed forces and veteran communities was unwavering, and her strength and sense of duty was an example to us all. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family during this time, and it is with thanks that we remember the life of this country’s greatest public servant.

 Read More About Her Life and Reign 

Welcome New Members 

 This month, 11 new members joined the ASDIC Community! We believe together is stronger, so please welcome our newest members:
Accrington Stanley Community Trust
Care After Combat
Company of Makers
East Durham Veterans Hub
Herefordshire Veteran Support Centre
Horsham Veterans Drop-In
M.A.S.H Military Assistance Social Hub
Romney Marsh Community Hub
The Veterans Charity
Veterans Network of Wellbeing
Veterans Now 

Discover Our Members 

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